Aquatic Conservation Initiative

An environmental non-profit that conserves aquatic and coastal ecosystems through research, community engagement, and education

Our work with various watersheds areas has included Water Quality Monitoring, Wetland and Coastal Clean-ups, Riparian Assessments, Planting, and Stabilization, Environmental Education


& Marine


& Outreach

Invasive green crab project
st. mary’s bay

Green Crab traps set
Green Crab removed
Trapping Locations

Latest News

  • Welcome to Drew Hillier, our new intern! “I am a third year student from the Marine Environmental Technology program at the Marine Institute. Before joining […]

  • Last week went by fast helping organize the third annual ENGO conference! All was made possible thanks to the dedicated volunteers, ENGO attendees, engaged members of […]

  • Say hello to another amazing board member – our American Eel expert – Chris Hearn! I am a Biologist with SEM Ltd. with extensive experience […]

  • Say hello to another amazing board member – our American Eel expert – Chris Hearn! I am a Biologist with SEM Ltd. with extensive experience […]

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prosper your local aquatic environment

Through your kindness you can make a difference

Education and Outreach

With the support of  volunteers ACI is committed to monitor  various river systems. As time and funding allows, this will include river remedial work, public education, electro-fishing and stormwater mapping.