McInnis Cooper Fruit Tree PlantingWe had a great day this week at the Aldershot Community Garden planting Damson Plum and Serviceberry fruit trees with McInnis Cooper Law Firm! Fruit trees were locally purchased from Murray’s Garden Centre from the gracious donations of McInnis Cooper Law Firm.
In total, we planted 13 fruit trees that will provide a free local food source to our community! We selected the Aldershot Community Garden due to the garden’s close proximity to our new office space at the Hub on Merrymeeting Road.
Both Damson Plum and Serviceberry are hardy fruit trees that can withstand the harsh weather we are dealt during St. John’s winters! Damson Plum are a delicious plum as is, but are most prized for the complex sweet and sour flavour that makes them an excellent hero to your jams and chutneys! Serviceberries also known as Juneberry, Shadbush, Saskatoon berry… (and more), are like a combination between an apple and a blueberry! Serviceberries are also excellent in preserves, but our preferred method is to add a handful to your morning pancakes or muffins!